Friday, September 24, 2010

New VTOL Concept

 Takeoff configuration:  
Rotor blades in blue with collective pitch, thrusters in black oriented for takeoff,control surfaces in red oriented in thrusters' airflow.

 Takeoff configuration:  
Top view.

 Takeoff configuration:  
Front view.

Forward flight configuration: 
Thrusters rotated to provide propulsive thrust, rotor blades pitched to comprise a disk-like wing.

Notes on operation in takeoff and landing:
*Control surfaces direct thruster airflow up or down independently to control pitch and roll. 
*Thruster throttle controls yaw.
*Main rotor pitch controls vertical movement and plays a role in pitch.

Notes on operation in transition to forward flight:
*Thrusters rotate incrementally to provide a transition from yaw/pitch/roll control in vertical flight, to yaw/pitch/roll control in forward flight.
*Main rotor-blade lift comes from rotation initially, and from forward movement as a disk-shaped wing ultimately in foward flight.

Notes on operation in forward flight:
*Control surfaces act as elevons, providing pitch and roll control. Yaw control is obtained from incremental thruster rotation.
*Pitch stability is afforded partially from control surfaces and from wing section in green.
*Yaw stability is afforded from thruster ducts or from fins (fins not shown)

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